Posts Tagged:Green Architecture

A Little Green Humor

by Tim Alatorre

I was recently sent this cartoon via email. Unfortunately I have been unable to determine the source. Besides being funny, I thought the cartoon underscores the point that often our “green” and “sustainable” activities are merely moving the problem to someone else, not necessarily helping the planet our the community as a whole. For example,…

Photo Essay: Seattle Central Library

by Tim Alatorre

Opened to the public on May 23, 2004, the Seattle Central Library by Rem Koolhaas quickly became a tourist attraction in Seattle, Washington. The 362,987 square foot building features an underground public parking lot, hundreds of computers, an auditorium, and “the book spiral” that allows visitors to traverse the entire book collection all on one…

LEED Study Aids

by Tim Alatorre

A number of my colleges are cramming for the LEED exam. Now that LEED v3.0 is here I’m sure there are a number of people trying to sneak in under the old LEED v2.0 test. I thought I’d post a few of my favorite LEED study resources on the net. Even if you aren’t studying…

In Defence of Green Roofs

by Tim Alatorre

Lloyd Alter, of TreeHugger, posted a great slide show today titled Green Roofs are Changing Architecture and Planning. In 15 slides he gives a great overview of green roofs yesterday and today. His thesis is summarized on the last slide with the words: Perhaps to everyone’s surprise, [green roofs] have turned into planning tools to help…